David Pusey - Head of Centre
BA (hons), DipCG,TDLB Units C23, C26, D11, D32 D33 D34
David is an experienced and qualified Careers Guidance professional. He has been a training and assessment consultant since 1998. He was one of the founding members of 'Intrain' and worked on a DfES pilot for the NVQ level 4 in Advice and Guidance. He set up and ran the South Central Connexions (Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth and Isle of Wight) NVQ Assessment Centre which he now operates independently as David Pusey Associates. He has successfully delivered training to a wide range of organisations nationally, including Connexions, Youth Offending Teams, Education Welfare Services, Colleges, Schools and Government Organisations. He is an Assessor for the Investors in Careers Quaity in Careers Kitemark Award. He is a regional assessor for the National Association of Family Information Services. David is an approved Assessor for the Institute of Careers Guidance Certificate in Professional Practice (CPP). He has recent experience of delivering guidance through the National Careers Service and currently works part time as the CEIAG Manager at Bournemouth & Poole College.
After gaining a degree in psychology, David completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Careers Guidance parts 1 & 2 (1984). He worked for Lancashire Careers Service (Careerlink) as a Careers Adviser, Trainer and Manager between 1984 and 1998. He is a qualified Assessor and Internal Verifier (D32, D33 & D34). He holds the British Psychological Society Psychometric Assessment level A & B awards and is a registered test user for the Morrisby, 16PF5 and 15FQ profiles. He is a member of the Institute of Careers Guidance, British Psychological Society (PTC) and Institute for Learning.
BPS PTC Registration Number: 277928
BPS Level A Cert No. 277928
BPS Level B Cert No. 277928
ASE Previsor 16PF Registered User No: 106669
Psytech Registration Number: PSY/AB/5527
Morrisby Registration Number: 6/123109