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We are a leading provider of career guidance and training services. Our offices are based in Poole, Dorset and Manchester.
Career Guidance & Development
We offer an all age career guidance service to clients who would like to plan or enhance their career development (Poole office only). This includes school students in years 9 - 11, sixth form and FE Students, HE and Post Grad students, clients wishing to develop or change career to those seeking guidance on active retirement through life long learning. Our guidance services are completely independent and impartial in line with the Professional Code of Ethics of the Career Development Institute.
Work Based Qualifications
We are a leading OCR accredited training and assessment centre specialising in qualifications in Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). We also offer Management and Training & Development qualifications.
Our team has considerable experience in supporting organisation to meet required standards for effective CEIAG delivery including OFSTED and 'Quality in Careers' kitemark awards.
Find out More
Please browse out web site to find out more about how we can support you or your organisation. Use our contacts page to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.
Email: davidpuseyassociates@ntlworld.com
South West Region & General Enquiries: David Pusey - 07776264404
North West Region & General Enquiries: Elaine Newell - 07957394465
